The cockpit sole has been bonded down, the cedar batten as per 'cockpit sides to deck corner' piece is going in place (see below) We've used lengths of pine to 'wedge' the cedar in place, ensuring the batten looks fair. Then to bond and glass the outboard side to the sole.
Again, below the 'wedge' can be seen. the same cut outs as top of the bulkheads
As the angle of cockpit sides changes towards the bow, we had to clamp the most forward section of the batten to maintain the changing angle (below almost visible). Once the batten is glassed in place we'll be filling and fairing the cockpit sole before glassing it. This should stiffen the floor quite considerably as the 6mm plywood is rather soft between the bulkheads. The cedar batten has stiffened the outboard section of the sole loads. Once we have our foot chocks in place this will/should be enough
Next: A long day of sanding the sole!!!
Next: A long day of sanding the sole!!!