Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Sole bonded down

The cockpit sole has been bonded down, the cedar batten as per 'cockpit sides to deck corner' piece is going in place (see below) We've used lengths of pine to 'wedge' the cedar in place, ensuring the batten looks fair. Then to bond and glass the outboard side to the sole.

Again, below the 'wedge' can be seen. the same cut outs as top of the bulkheads

As the angle of cockpit sides changes towards the bow, we had to clamp the most forward section of the batten to maintain the changing angle (below almost visible). Once the batten is glassed in place we'll be filling and fairing the cockpit sole before glassing it. This should stiffen the floor quite considerably as the 6mm plywood is rather soft between the bulkheads. The cedar batten has stiffened the outboard section of the sole loads. Once we have our foot chocks in place this will/should be enough

Next: A long day of sanding the sole!!!

Monday, 7 March 2011


Lots of emails over the last few weeks from people about plans..... must be the progress Gerry has been making with the build! I have started to collate the drawings and update the modifications we have made - I am giving myself a couple of weeks to sort out the plans by sneaking time between other projects; indeed I am typing the introduction to the plans as you read this! Watch this space....

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Cockpit sole cut and dry-fitted

My Explanation

Mast base structure:

Mast base and fin top structure, straight edge same height as the cedar battens

At fin top structure: The cockpit sole will bond to the bottom e-plate making the sole height the same as the structure? It might need a little filler as the heights are not perfect.

01 March 2011

These pictures have come out in the wrong order, please bare with me as I don't know how to change them around!

So starting from the bottom of the post . . . . . . . . . .

Below we have the structure all in place, All bonded and glassed to the bulkheads. ready for the cockpit sole to be bonded down. I made a sheet of e-plate 6mm thick, doubled up on some of them, where the underside of the sole will bond to the top of the lower layer (?) I'll post a pic with an explanation later.

Two coats of EPOSEAL 300 rolled on, on the inside of the hull, all bulkheads and under the deck.

Cedar battens (15mm x 15mm) bonded onto the bulkheads, note the 'straight-edges' and clamps.

As above; the bulkheads were planed to ensure that they were all at the same level, ready for the Cedar battens. The main bulkheads were bang-on, the intermediates needed a little work. Not a major if they ended up slightly lower as the batten would bring it up to the right height. Much the same thing with the longitudinal.

Deck is finally done! Ready to move forward!