Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Painted and ready for fit-out

In David Herritage's new premises, hull painted before clear coat

Just Hanging around drying for the weekend

Non skid next, nice paint job by Ben Cassford at David Herritage Racing Yachts in Cowes

In her new resting place outside work

Rig back in, fit-out starts next

The idea for the colour below

As the mast and boom are now in place, all fittings etc can now finally go in place. More as we get closer to launch day (before it gets too cold to sail)

Friday, 7 June 2013

Getting There. . . . . Slowly

More Photos as we approach painting time.

A fair amount has been done, got the rig in 2 days ago, rigging sized, all measurements taken and sent off to North Sails UK for sail design.

Fin and bulb dry fitted again to check draft etc, top plate about to be manufactured and then we can fill and fair the bulb. Also might have to paint the bulb but not the fin as it's aluminium and the paint will scrape off as the fit is very tight.

Paint colour chosen, this will be made public once it has been painted, loud, very loud, not gonna be missed on the water. Most is painted with high-build and ready for the DA sander to do it's thing.

We only cut about 50 mm off the foil that was 2 m long

Very tight fit, we needed the weight of the hull to get the fin into it's slot and the weight of the bulb to get the fin back out!! I guess a tight fit is good?

Bow sprit fitted for the sake of it, looks sweet!


High-build on most of the surfaces

Rigger sorted out the rigging sizes and then there was something that almost looks like a boat

Put to bed for the day among other boats

Boat like?