We went and fetched the rig from the mainland yesterday; boom, standing rigging and mast. Fortunately the Solent was pretty smooth so we weren't too affected by the fact the mast is somewhat larger than my little RIB! Detailed pictures of the section and components to follow when we unwrap. The skill here is to make sure that once we have checked all the components, they are neatly packaged again so there are no dramas when it comes to installation. We will either swage and finish ourselves or more likely get a local rigger to do it on our behalf. Rigs/plans that we will supply will be to the finished lengths but leaving it unfinished and over length for the prototypw means that if there are minor changes to the design (maststep/chainplates etc) we can freely make them and it will not be a disaster.
ReplyDeleteAnything new going on with the GT6?