Guy and myself spent the afternoon today sanding some of the filler I added covering the cable tie holes some days ago, removing the final load of cable ties (from the last panel set and bonded into place), more tidying-up around the place and adding the 160
gsm glass tape over the external panel joins. As we ended up using S L O W
Ampreg 21
hardner with the mix, we both hope that the weather warms up a bit for the resin to set so we can get on with turning the little beauty over.
I guess our next step is to add a larger radius fillet to the inside panels and bulkhead joins and glass the lot together, using the balance of the +/- 45 deg, 450
gsm, 100 mm glass tape we have.
As Guy was the photographer today I hope he'll be adding the photographs he took today to the blog.
We've got so much more to do and trying to think a step ahead of ourselves, and keeping the normal day jobs going, is proving difficult. I'm always on Guys case asking him about the bulb, rudder, rig, chain plates etc etc etc. (I've almost got the 180 kg lead sorted). As a 'quick fix' (and easy option) we've opted for an 'off-the-shelf' fin. Found on the web in Sweden, Krona Boats do a
NACA 0012 section of marine grade (?) aluminium @ 12% of a 300mm cord (Guy knows the details here). At £ 250 or so I thought, as a
sailmaker, I would stay cleaner for a while longer not trying to build a foil. And for possible future builders, it's very quick!!! and easy!!!
As the service agent for North Sails here on the Isle of Wight I hope to get North Sails to design the sails and build them here at Medina
Sailcare, as we could do any remedial and development works ourselves as and when required.
All we now need is a decent rig. Again here we would like to remain as cheap, and easy to obtain, as possible (help required on this one). There are loads of options
available with all the companies out there and I'm trying to work on it. Once we have the mast and boom sorted I can get onto NS for the sail design. Mainsail with a reef, Lt/Med jib, Med/Hvy jib and 2 x 38 sqm A sails, or maybe one slightly smaller! MAYBE!
Guy and I discussed furling the jib, but as our bowsprit is 'pretty-damn-long', and we have 30 deg. sweep on the spreaders and extra jib area cannot be wrong, we're going for a 'always up' jib on a TuffLuff. The hope is that the jib and kite can be up together without affecting performance and not having a bowman pissing around in front of the mast is always good, self tacking might even be an option. Might have to add a purchase system on the tack of the jib for halyard tension. Still working on that one though ......
I think, that between us, we haven't done enough sports boat sailing to know how all the systems will work and will work out so we're still looking and trying to combine dinghy and keelboat system that might or might not work out, after all: Is the GT6 a dinghy or keelboat?